Monday, May 19, 2008

Thing 3 - RSS feeds

I like this! I picked Google Reader and I added: BBC, CNN, Readers Club: Graphic Novels for Teens, Readers Club: Suspense/Thrillers (F), a few comic sites (For Better or Worse, Foxtrot, and there was something else, too. More on that later), and the Duluth News Tribune.

I don't like how some of the postings only show the title of the post and/or the date of the post. I like the ones that have the title and at least the first few lines of the post so that I can get an idea of what the whole things is about. I really like the ones that have the entire post. Nice.

I removed the feeds from the comics site because they just gave me links to the comic posted that day, they did not show the actual comic in the reader. This is not the case for Unshelved, which I added right after removing the others, so that I could see if it could work for a different site. I love Unshelved, too. (I think I will still get it in my mail box, however.)

I was reading a library journal the other day and wanted to checkout some of the blogs that they mentioned. I typed them into my Google Reader and had them added within seconds. (The Shifted Librarian, Alternative Teen Services, 2 cents worth, and Tame the Web.)

I just set up a Bloglines account because Google Reader wouldn't let me set up a feed with Pop Goes the Library. Hmm. Different features... This one lets me have the whole post displayed, if I want. I do want.

Unfortunately, the feature where Bloglines offers suggested feeds (quick pick suggestions) isn't working correctly. I am trying to add For Better or For Worse in this form and I keep getting an error message - try back later... [I just got one to add. Still won't add FBOFW, though. Whatever.]

I did just find that in the options I can have the oldest posts display on top. I like that feature and I don't see that I have that option on Google.

Ok. I am spending too much time on this... I think that RSS feeds and newsreaders are very helpful. I don't normally spend a lot of time surfing the Internet. But, because this is so easy to use, I find I am looking at many more things than I normally would. If I keep my selections to the minimum and on topic, I would find this to be helpful in my job or in my regular life.

I think both sites make adding a feed easy. You know, if everything is working properly that day...

Really. I am now obsessed with checking both of RSS feed accounts. Great.

Please note that I have been writing this post for 3 days.

1 comment:

Linda said...

So much for the 15 minutes a day idea, huh! I think you will find the time with RSS well spent. Google Reader has its bad days too when it doesn't work as it normally does. Anyway, RSS is great for finding ideas for programming, advertising, etc.